Creates a matrix of alphanumeric fields. Therefore, all values of the matrix fields are strings. The matrix is not a grid container like IupGridBox. It inherits from IupCanvas.
This is an additional control that depends on the CD library. It is included in the IupControls library.
It has two modes of operation: normal and callback mode. In normal mode, string values are stored in attributes for each cell. In callback mode these attributes are ignored and the cells are filled with strings returned by the "VALUE_CB" callback. So the existence of this callback defines the mode the matrix will operate.
Ihandle* IupMatrix(char *action_cb); [in C] iup.matrix{} -> (ih: ihandle) [in Lua] matrix(action_cb) [in LED]
action_cb: Name of the action generated when the user types something.
Returns the identifier of the created matrix, or NULL if an error occurs.
Action generated when a keyboard event
Action generated when any mouse button is
pressed over a cell.
Action generated when a column is interactively resized.
Action generated when any mouse button is
released over a cell.
Action generated after the element size has been updated but before the cells
have been actually refreshed.
Action generated when a toggle button is pressed.
Called after the value was interactively changed by the user or after a group of
values where programmatically changed in a single operation.
Action generated to notify the application
that the mouse has moved over the matrix.
Action generated when a matrix cell is
selected, becoming the current cell.
Action generated when a cell is no longer
the current cell.
Action generated when the matrix is scrolled
with the scrollbars or with the keyboard.
Action generated to retrieve the background
color of a cell when it needs to be redrawn.
Action generated to retrieve the foreground
color of a cell when it needs to be redrawn.
Action generated to retrieve the font
of a cell when it needs to be redrawn.
Action generated to retrieve the type of a cell value.
Action generated before the cell is drawn.
Allow a custom cell draw.
Action generated to determine if a dropdown
feedback should be shown.
Action generated to translate the value of a
cell during display and size computation.
Action generated to determine if a text
field or a dropdown will be shown.
MENUDROP_CB - Action generated to
determine if a popup menu will be shown.
Action generated when an element in the
dropdown list is selected.
Action generated when the current cell
enters or leaves the edition mode.
Action generated to verify the value of a
Action generated to notify the application
that the value of a cell was edited.
Action generated to verify the selection
state of a cell.
Action generated to notify the application
that the selection state of a cell was changed.
These functions can be used to help set and get attributes from the matrix:
void IupSetAttributeId2(Ihandle* ih, const char* name, int lin, int col, const char* value); char* IupGetAttributeId2(Ihandle* ih, const char* name, int lin, int col); int IupGetIntId2(Ihandle* ih, const char* name, int lin, int col); float IupGetFloatId2(Ihandle* ih, const char* name, int lin, int col); void IupSetfAttributeId2(Ihandle* ih, const char* name, int lin, int col, const char* format, ...); void IupSetIntId2(Ihandle* ih, const char* name, int lin, int col, int value); void IupSetFloatId2(Ihandle* ih, const char* name, int lin, int col, float value);
They work just like the respective traditional set and get functions. But the attribute string is complemented with the L and C values. When only one value is needed then use the Iup*AttributeId functions. For ex:
IupSetAttribute(ih, "30:10", value) => IupSetAttributeId2(ih, "", 30, 10, value) IupSetAttribute(ih, "BGCOLOR30:10", value) => IupSetAttributeId2(ih, "BGCOLOR", 30, 10, value) IupSetAttribute(ih, "ALIGNMENT10", value) => IupSetAttributeId(ih, "ALIGNMENT", 10, value)
When one of the indices is the asterisk, use IUP_INVALID_ID as the parameter. For ex:
IupSetAttribute(ih, "BGCOLOR30:*", value) => IupSetAttributeId2(ih, "BGCOLOR", 30, IUP_INVALID_ID, value)
These functions are faster than the traditional functions because they do not need to parse the attribute name string and the application does not need to concatenate the attribute name with the id.
They are used by the additional methods in Lua:
ih:setcell(lin, col: number, value: string) ih:getcell(lin, col: number) -> (cell: string)
But you can also use the traditional functions when typing:
ih["bgcolor"..l..":"..c] = v or ih["bgcolor30:10"] = v
void IupMatrixSetFormula(Ihandle* ih, int col, const char* formula, const char* init); [in C] iup.MatrixSetFormula(ih: ihandle, col: number, formula: string, [init: string]) [in Lua] or ih:SetFormula(col: number, formula: string, [init: string]) [in Lua]
Fill the contents of the given column using the formula (since 3.13). The formula is executed for each line within the column. Internally uses Lua to parse the formula. init is an optional Lua initialization code that is called only once (can be NULL). The callback "int FORMULAINIT_CB(Ihandle* ih, lua_State *L);" can also be used to initialize the Lua state. All Lua standard libraries are pre-loaded.
This function is available in the "iupluacontrols" library but it does not requires an active Lua context, because it uses a temporary Lua context. If called from Lua it will also be independent from the application's Lua context. To use it in C/C++ you must link also with Lua and iuplua even when not using theses libraries directly.
The formula will be encapsulated within an internal Lua function so it will not affect the call of subsequent cells. This internal function receives two parameters "lin" and "col" correspondent to the current cell being processed during script execution. The formula can contain only one valid Lua statement that will be retuned by the internal Lua function. The formula can evaluate to nil, number, boolean or a string.
The most commonly used tokens are:
+ (addition) - (subtraction and negation) * (multiplication) / (division) % (modulo) ^ (exponentiation) == (equal) ~= (different) < (less than) > (greater than) <= (less than or equal) >= (greater than or equal) and (logical and) or (logical or) not (logical not)
The Lua Math Functions are loaded also at the global level, so there is no need for the "math." prefix. The most commonly used functions are:
abs(x) acos(x) asin(x) atan(x) atan2(y,x) ceil(x) cos(x) deg(x) exp(x) floor(x) log(x) min(x,...) max(x,...) pow(x,y) sin(x) sqrt(x) tan(x)
There are also some exclusive functions to access cell values and perform special operations:
sum(x,...) - computes the sum of the input paramters. average(x,...) - computes the average of the input paramters. range(lin1, col1, lin2, col2[, only_number]) - returns a range of cell values. Can be used in functions like min, max, sum and average. If only_number boolean is used then only numbers are included, and others are skipped. cell(lin, col) - returns the cell value at given line and column. ifelse(test, value_true, value_false) - if test boolean is true then return value_true, if not return value_falseor else. The problem with ifelse is that both values are evaluated before calling the function. In Lua the solution is to use logical operators: test and value_true or value_false (but value_true can not be false) See
If the attribute CELLNAMES is set to "Excel" or "Matrix" (default "No") then it will enable cell names to be used as alternative for "cell(lin, col)". There are two notations available: the Matrix "L123C123" notation where L and C are fixed and 123s are the line and columns numbers; and the Excel "ABC123" notation where 123 denotes the line number and ABC denotes the column number just like in Microsoft Excel. (since 3.14) Obs: there is not support for cell range like "A1:B2" in Excel.
Some formula examples:
"cos(pi*lin/4)" "cell(lin, 1) + cell(lin, 2)" "cell(lin, 4) < 3" -- cell value will be 0 or 1 "sum(range(lin, 1, lin, 7))" "cell('x', 1)" -- error
void IupMatrixSetDynamic(Ihandle* ih, const char* init); [in C] iup.MatrixSetDynamic(ih: ihandle, [init: string]) [in Lua] or ih:SetDynamic([init: string]) [in Lua]
Enable dynamic cell values using formulas (since 3.13). It uses the TRANSLATEVALUE_CB callback to process strings just before the value is displayed, if the string starts with a equal sign ("=") then it is interpreted as a formula using the same features and rules as the IupMatrixSetFormula function above. If the value is being edited the callback will return the original value so the formula can be edited.
Internally also uses Lua to parse the formula. init is an optional Lua initialization code that is called only once (can be NULL), at the function call. The callback "int FORMULAINIT_CB(Ihandle* ih, lua_State *L);" can also be used to initialize the Lua state, at the function call. All Lua standard libraries are pre-loaded.
This Lua state is initialize at the function call and saved for processing during the TRANSLATEVALUE_CB callback. If IupMatrixSetDynamic is called again then the previous state will be destroyed and a new one will be created. This state is automatically destroyed when the control is destroyed.
This function is available in the "iupluacontrols" library but it does not requires an active Lua context, because it uses a temporary Lua context. If called from Lua it will also be independent from the application's Lua context. To use it in C/C++ you must link also with Lua and iuplua even when not using theses libraries directly.
If the cell has a formula, i.e. starts with the equal sign, and the attribute EDITHIDEONFOCUS is NO, then during editing the user can click on another cell to insert a reference to its value in the format "cell(lin,col)". If CELLNAMES is enabled then the respective cell name will be used instead of the "cell" function call. Selecting a range of cells it will insert a "range(lin1,col1,lin2,col2)" call instead (there is no special notation for a range). (since 3.14)
Before mapped to the native system, all attributes are stored in the hash table, independently from the size of the matrix or its operation mode. The action attributes like ADDLIN and DELCOL will NOT work.
When the matrix is mapped, and it is NOT in callback mode, then the cell values and mark state are moved from the hash table to an internal storage at the matrix. Other cell attributes remains on the hash table. Cell values with indices greater than (NUMLIN,NUMCOL) are ignored. When in callback mode cell values stored in the hash table are ignored.
Very large matrices can use the callback mode to store the cell values at the application, and not at the internal matrix storage. The idea is the following:
1 -
Register the VALUE_CB callback
2 -
No longer set the value of the cells. Store the cell value at the
application. They
will be retrieved one by one by the callback.
3 -
If the matrix can be edited, set the VALUE_EDIT_CB callback.
4 -
When the matrix display must be updated, use the REDRAW attribute to force a matrix redraw.
A negative aspect is that, when VALUE_CB is defined, after it is mapped the matrix never verifies attributes of type L:C again.
If VALUE_CB is defined and VALUE_EDIT_CB is not defined when the matrix is mapped then READONLY will be set to YES.
If you do not plan to use ADDLIN nor ADDCOL, and plan to set sparse cell values, then you must set NUMLIN and NUMCOL before mapping.
A matrix might have titles for lines and columns. Titles are always non scrollable, non editable and presented with a different default background color. A matrix will have a line of titles if an attribute of the "L:0" type is defined, where L is a line number, or if the HEIGHT0 attribute is defined. It will have a column of titles if an attribute of the "0:C" type is defined, where C is a column number, or if the WIDTH0 attribute is defined.
When allowed the width of a column can be changed by holding and dragging its title right border, see RESIZEMATRIX.
Any cell can have more than one text line, just use the \n control character. Multiple text lines will be considered when calculating the title cell size based on its contents. The contents of ordinary cells (not a title) do not affect the cell size.
The Natural size is calculated using only the title cells size plus the size of NUMCOL_VISIBLE and NUMLIN_VISIBLE cells, but it is also affected if SCROLBAR is enabled. The natural height is the sum of the line heights from line 0 to NUMLIN_VISIBLE (inclusive). The natural width is the sum of the column width from column 0 to NUMCOL_VISIBLE (inclusive). Notice that since NUMCOL_VISIBLE and NUMLIN_VISIBLE do not include the titles then NUMCOL_VISIBLE+1 columns and NUMLIN_VISIBLE+1 lines are included in the sum.
The height of a line L depends on several attributes, first it checks the HEIGHTL attribute, then checks RASTERHEIGHTL, then when USETITLESIZE=YES or not in callback mode the height of the title text for the line or if L=0 it searches for the highest column title, if still could not define a height then if L!=0 it will use HEIGHTDEF, if L=0 then height will be 0.
A similar approach is valid for the column width. The width of a column C first checks the WIDTHC attribute, then checks RASTERWIDTHC, then when USETITLESIZE=YES or not in callback mode the width of the title text for the column or if C=0 it searches for the widest line title, if still could not define a width then if C!=0 it will use WIDTHDEF, if C=0 then height will be 0.
When the scrollbars are enabled if the matrix area is greater than the visible area then scrollbars will be displayed so the cells can be scrolled to be visible area. When dragging the scrollbar the position of cells is free, when clicking on its buttons it will move in cell steps, aligning to the left border of the cell.
By default EXPAND=Yes, so matrix will be automatically resized when the dialog is resized. So more columns and lines will be displayed. But the matrix Natural size will be used as minimum size. To remove the minimum size limitation set NUMCOL_VISIBLE and NUMLIN_VISIBLE to 0 after showing it for the first time.
The RESIZEMATRIX_CB callback can be used to dynamically change columns or lines sizes when the matrix is resized by setting FITTOSIZE accordingly.
When READONLY=NO and there is no EDITION_CB callback or the callback return is IUP_DEFAULT, the matrix cell values can be edited.
Editing starts automatically when the user press a character key when the focus is at a cell, then the old cell value is replaced by the new one being typed. If F2, Enter or Space is pressed, the current cell enters the edition mode with the current text of the cell. And double-clicking a cell enters the edition mode (in Motif the user must click again to the edit control get the focus).
The new value will be accepted if the user press Enter during edition mode. Pressing Esc will cancel the editing and the the old value remains. The cell will also leave the edition mode if the user clicked in another cell or in another control, then the new value will be automatically accepted. But the value confirmation still depends on the EDITION_CB callback return code.
Keyboard navigation through the matrix cells outside the edition mode is done by using the following keys:
When using the keyboard to change the focus cell if the limit of the visible area is reached then the cells are automatically scrolled. Also if a cell partially visible is edited then first it is scrolled to the visible area. Also while pressing together the Shift key and marks are enabled with MARKMULTIPLE=Yes then a continuous area will be selected (since 3.9).
Inside the edition mode, the following keys are used for a text field:
When pressing Enter to confirm the value the focus goes to the cell below the current cell, if at the last line then the focus goes to the cell on the left. This can be controlled using the EDITNEXT attribute.
When a mark mode is set the cells can be marked using mouse.
A marked cell will have its background attenuated to indicate that it is marked. A title cell appears marked only when MARKMODE=LIN, COL or LINCOL.
Cells can be selected individually or can be restricted to lines or columns. Also multiple cells can be marked simultaneously in continuous or in segmented areas. Lines and columns are marked only when the user clicks in their respective titles, if MARKMODE=CELL then all the cells of the line or column will be marked. Continuous areas are marked holding and dragging the mouse or holding the Shift key when clicking at the end of the area. Segmented areas are marked or unmarked holding the Ctrl key, the mark state is inverted. Clicking on the cell 0:0 will select all the cells depending on MARKMODE, except for LINCOL.
When there are cells marked, pressing the Del key remove the selected cells contents.
For more features, like Import/Export, Clipboard, Undo/Redo, Search, Sort, Column Visibility, Numeric Columns, Numeric, Context Menu and others, see the IupMatrixEx extension library.