Creates a void container for position elements in absolute coordinates. It is a concrete layout container.
It does not have a native representation.
The IupCbox is equivalent of a IupVbox or IupHbox where all the children have the FLOATING attribute set to YES, but children must use CX and CY attributes instead of the POSITION attribute.
Ihandle* IupCbox(Ihandle* child, ...); [in C] Ihandle* IupCboxV(Ihandle* child, va_list arglist); [in C] Ihandle* IupCboxv(Ihandle** children); [in C] iup.cbox{child, ...: ihandle} -> (ih: ihandle) [in Lua] cbox(child, ...) [in LED]
child, ... : List of the identifiers that will be placed in the box. NULL must be used to define the end of the list in C. It can be empty, but in C must have at least the NULL terminator..
Returns: the identifier of the created element, or NULL if an error occurs.
EXPAND (non inheritable): The default value is "YES".
SIZE / RASTERSIZE (non inheritable): Must be defined for each child. If not defined for the box, then it will be the bounding box that includes all children in their position.
WID (read-only): returns -1 if mapped.
CX, CY (non inheritable) (at children only): Position in pixels of the child relative to the top-left corner of the box. Must be set for each child inside the box.
The box can be created with no elements and be dynamic filled using IupAppend or IupInsert.