Creates void element, which dynamically occupies empty spaces always trying to expand itself. Its parent should be an IupHbox, an IupVbox or a IupGridBox, or else this type of expansion will not work. If an EXPAND is set on at least one of the other children of the box, then the fill expansion is ignored.
It does not have a native representation.
Ihandle* IupFill(void); [in C] iup.fill{} -> ih: ihandle [in Lua] fill() [in LED]
Returns: the identifier of the created element, or NULL if an error occurs.
EXPAND (non inheritable)(read-only): If User size is not defined, then when inside a IupHbox/IupGridBox EXPAND is HORIZONTAL, when inside a IupVbox EXPAND is VERTICAL. If User size is defined then EXPAND is NO.
SIZE / RASTERSIZE (non inheritable): Defines the width, if inside a IupHbox, or the height, if it is inside a IupVbox. The standard format "wxh" can also be used, but width will be ignored if inside a IupVbox and height will be ignored if inside a IupHbox (since 3.3). When consulted behaves as the standard SIZE/RASTERSIZE attributes.
WID (read-only): returns -1 if mapped.