Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro - PUC-Rio
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Copyright: Luiz Fernando Martha,
Alonso Juvinao Carbono, Anderson Resende Pereira,
Fernando Busato Ramires, Paôla Reginal Dalcanal, and
Ricardo Rodrigues de Araujo
Version 1.00, September 2004
This program demonstrates the behavior of
the Mohr's circle for plane stress state.
It was developed as the final project of
course CIV 2802 - Engineering Graphics Systems,
PUC-Rio, during the first semester of 2004.
Installation requirement
This software was developed in Java and requires the installation of
JRE - Java Runtime Environment.
This is available in the following URL address:
The on-line (applet) version requires instalation of CheerpJ
Applet Runner in the browser.
Image of e-Mohr off-line version
Download of e-Mohr off-line version
Run e-Mohr on-line version
Sign Convention
Mohr's Circle
The Pole
Control Points
Software Documentation
Download of source code
Last update: September 10, 2024 by
Luiz Fernando Martha