JPEG - JPEG File Interchange Format
[File Formats]

Collaboration diagram for JPEG - JPEG File Interchange Format:


ISO/IEC 10918 (1994, 1995, 1997, 1999)
Access to the JPEG file format uses libjpeg version 9d.
Copyright (C) 1994-2020, Thomas G. Lane, Guido Vollbeding
from the Independent JPEG Group.
Access to the EXIF attributes uses libEXIF version 0.6.21.
Copyright (C) 2001-2009, Lutz Müller et. al.


    Data Types: Byte
    Color Spaces: Gray, RGB, CMYK and YCbCr (Binary Saved as Gray)
      JPEG - ISO JPEG  [default]
    Only one image.
    No alpha channel.
    Internally the components are always packed.
    Internally the lines are arranged from top down to bottom.
    Handle(1) returns jpeg_decompress_struct* when reading, and
                      jpeg_compress_struct* when writing (libJPEG structures).

      AutoYCbCr IM_INT (1) (controls YCbCr auto conversion) default 1
      JPEGQuality IM_INT (1) [0-100, default 75] (write only)
      ResolutionUnit (string) ["DPC", "DPI"]
      XResolution, YResolution IM_FLOAT (1)
      Interlaced (same as Progressive) IM_INT (1 | 0) default 0
      Description (string)
      (lots of Exif tags)

    Changes to libJPEG:
      new file created: jconfig.h from jconfig.txt
      These changes can be ignored when using an external libJPEG distribution

    Changes to libEXIF:
      new files config.h and _stdint.h
      small fixes to improve compilation. 
      These changes can be ignored when using an external libEXIF distribution

      Other APPx markers are ignored.
      No thumbnail support.
      RGB images are automatically converted to YCbCr when saved.
      Also YcbCr are automatically converted to RGB when loaded. Use AutoYCbCr=0 to disable this behavior.