Complementary attributes when a flat scrollbar is used (a drawn scrollbar).
Used in IupFlatScrollBox, IupFlatList, IupFlatTree and in IupMatrix when FLATSCROLLBAR=Yes is defined.
SB_BACKCOLOR (non inheritable): color used as background for the scrollbar. By default it will inherit from BGCOLOR.
SB_FORECOLOR (non inheritable): handler and arrow color. Default: "220 220 220". Used instead of FGCOLOR to avoid inheritance problems.
SB_HIGHCOLOR (non inheritable): handler and arrow color when highlight. Default: "132 132 132".
SB_PRESSCOLOR (non inheritable): handler and arrow color when pressed. Default: "96 96 96".
SCROLLBARSIZE (non inheritable): The width of the vertical scrollbar or the height of the horizontal scrollbar. Default: 15.
SHOWARROWS (non inheritable): Allow to show or hide the arrows. Default: Yes.
SHOWFLOATING (non inheritable): the scrollbar is shown only when used, over the space it occupied. Move the mouse over the scrollbar area to show the scrollbars. They are automatically hidden after not being used by the time defined in FLOATINGDELAY.
SHOWTRANSPARENT (non inheritable): This makes the flat scrollbar semi transparent and only interactive trough its handler. It implies in SHOWARROWS=NO and SHOWFLATING=Yes. (since 3.26)
FLOATINGDELAY (non inheritable): time to hide the scrollbar when SHOWFLOATING=Yes in milliseconds. Default: 2000.
ARROWIMAGES (non inheritable): replace the drawn arrows by the following images.
SB_IMAGELEFT, SB_IMAGERIGHT, SB_IMAGETOP, SB_IMAGEBOTTOM (non inheritable): Arrow image name (the attribute is relative to where the arrow is pointing). Use IupSetHandle or IupSetAttributeHandle to associate an image to a name. See also IupImage. IMPORTANT = all images must be square with side equals to SCROLLBARSIZE.
SB_IMAGE*HIGHLIGHT (non inheritable): Arrow image name of the element in highlight state. If it is not defined then the IMAGE* is used.
SB_IMAGE*INACTIVE (non inheritable): Arrow image name of the element when inactive. If it is not defined then the IMAGE* is used and its colors will be replaced by a modified version creating the disabled effect.
SB_IMAGE*PRESS (non inheritable): Arrow image name of the element in pressed state. If it is not defined then the IMAGE* is used.
When SHOWFLOATING=Yes the natural size of the IupMatrix is reduced because it will not include the scrollbars area. But notice that when vertically scrolling the last column or horizontally scrolling the last line the visibility or the cells are reduced because the scrollbar is show above the cells.
The flat scrollbar does not support the XMIN nor YMIN attributes. They are considered to be 0 always. The XAUTOHIDE and YAUTOHIDE are considered to be YES always.
Also, all numeric attributes are integer numbers.