Action generated when the canvas or dialog size is changed.


int function(Ihandle *ih, int width, int height); [in C]
ih:resize_cb(width, height: number) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

ih: identifier of the element that activated the event.
width: the width of the internal element size in pixels not considering the decorations (client size)
height: the height of the internal element size in pixels not considering the decorations (client size)


For the dialog, this action is also generated when the dialog is mapped, after the map and before the show.

When XAUTOHIDE=Yes or YAUTOHIDE=Yes, if the canvas scrollbar is hidden/shown after changing the DX or DY attributes from inside the callback, the size of the drawing area will immediately change, so the parameters with and height will be invalid. To update the parameters consult the DRAWSIZE attribute. Also activate the drawing toolkit only after updating the DX or DY attributes.


IupCanvas, IupGLCanvas, IupDialog