
Shows a modal dialog containing a message and up to three buttons.

Creation and Show

int IupAlarm(const char *t, const char *m, const char *b1, const char *b2, const char *b3); [in C]
iup.Alarm(t, m, b1[, b2, b3]: string) -> (button: number) [in Lua]

t: Dialog’s title
m: Message
b1: Text of the first button
b2: Text of the second button (optional)
b3: Text of the third button (optional)

Returns: the number of the button selected by the user (1, 2 or 3) , or 0 if failed. It fails only if b1 is not defined.


This function shows a dialog centralized on the screen, with the message and the buttons. The ‘\n’ character can be added to the message to indicate line change.

A button is not shown if its parameter is NULL. This is valid only for b2 and b3.

Button 1 is set as the "DEFAULTENTER" and "DEFAULTESC". If Button 2 exists it is set as the "DEFAULTESC". If Button 3 exists it is set as the "DEFAULTESC".

The dialog uses a global attribute called "PARENTDIALOG" as the parent dialog if it is defined. It also uses a global attribute called "ICON" as the dialog icon if it is defined.


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See Also

IupMessage, IupScanf, IupListDialog, IupGetFile.