IupParamBox (since 3.19)

Creates a void container for composing elements created using a list of IupParam elements. Each param is used to create several lines of controls internally arranged in a vertical composition.

It does not have a native representation.


Ihandle* IupParamBox(Ihandle *param, ...); [in C]
Ihandle* IupParamBoxV(Ihandle* param, va_list arglist); [in C]
Ihandle* IupParamBoxv(Ihandle **param_array); [in C]
iup.parambox{param, ...: ihandle} -> (ih: ihandle) [in Lua]
parambox(param, ...) [in LED]

param, ... : List of the IupParam identifiers that will be used to create the internal controls. NULL must be used to define the end of the list in C. It can NOT be empty. The list of params can NOT be changed after the box is created.

Returns: the identifier of the created element, or NULL if an error occurs.


BUTTON1, BUTTON2, BUTTON3 [read-only]: returns an IUP Ihandle* of the respective button in the button box.

PARAMn [read-only]: returns an IUP Ihandle* representing the nth parameter, indexed by the declaration order, not counting separators or button names. n starts at 0.

PARAMCOUNT [read-only]: returns the number of parameters not counting separators and button names.

STATUS [read-only]: set to 1 when button1 is activated, and set to 0 when button2 is activated or the IupGetParam dialog close button is clicked.

LABELALIGN: controls the alignment of all labels. Can be ALEFT or ARIGHT. Default: ALEFT. (since 3.20)

MODIFIABLE: controls the active state of all controls but when disabled allows the text boxes to be read-only and selectable instead of inactive. Default: Yes. (since 3.20)

SPINNING: defined only during the callback to indicate that the spin was activated.

USERDATA: will hold the user data passed to the callback.

EXPAND (non inheritable*): The default value is "YES". See the documentation of the attribute for EXPAND inheritance.

WID (read-only): returns -1 if mapped.



int PARAM_CB(Ihandle* ih, int param_index, void* user_data); [in C]
ih:param_cb(param_index: number) -> (ret: number) [in Lua]

ih: identifier of the element that activated the event.
param_index: current parameter being changed. Can have negative values to indicate specific situations:
    IUP_GETPARAM_BUTTON1 (-1) = if the user pressed the button 1;
    IUP_GETPARAM_INIT (-2)  = after the IupGetParam dialog is mapped and just before it is shown. Not called when IupParamBox is directly used;
    IUP_GETPARAM_BUTTON2 (-3) = if the user pressed the button 2;
    IUP_GETPARAM_BUTTON3 (-4) = if the user pressed the button 3, if any;
    IUP_GETPARAM_CLOSE (-5) = if the user clicked on the IupGetParam dialog close button. Not called when IupParamBox is directly used; (since 3.13)
    IUP_GETPARAM_MAP (-5) = before the IupGetParam dialog is mapped. Not called when IupParamBox is directly used; (since 3.21)
user_data: a user pointer that is passed in the function call.

Returns: You can reject the change or the button action by returning 0 in the callback, otherwise you must return 1. By default buttons 1 and 2 will return IUP_CLOSE and close any modal dialog. To change that behavior return 0 in the callback.

You should not programmatically change the current parameter value during the callback. On the other hand you can freely change the value of other parameters.

Use the attribute "PARAMn" to get the parameter "Ihandle*", where "n" is the parameter index in the order they are specified starting at 0, but separators and button names are not counted. Notice that this is not the actual control, use the parameter attribute "CONTROL" to get the actual control. For example:

Ihandle* param2 = (Ihandle*)IupGetAttribute(ih, "PARAM2");
int value2 = IupGetInt(param2, IUP_VALUE);

Ihandle* param5 = (Ihandle*)IupGetAttribute(ih, "PARAM5");
Ihandle* ctrl5 = (Ihandle*)IupGetAttribute(param5, "CONTROL");

if (value2 == 0)
  IupSetAttribute(param5, IUP_VALUE, "New Value");
  IupSetAttribute(ctrl5, IUP_VALUE, "New Value");

Since parameters are user controls and not real controls, you must update the control value and the parameter value.

Be aware that programmatically changes are not filtered. The valuator, when available, can be retrieved using the parameter attribute "AUXCONTROL". The valuator is not automatically updated when the text box is changed programmatically. The parameter label is also available using the parameter attribute "LABEL".

Utilities in Lua

In Lua, to retrieve a parameter you must use the following function:

iup.GetParamParam(ih: ihandle, index: number)-> (param: ihandle) [in Lua]
ih:GetParamParam(index: number)-> (param: ihandle)   (since 3.19)

ih: Identifier of the element.
index: parameter to be retrieved.


The box can NOT be dynamically filled using IupAppend or IupInsert.

See Also

IupGetParam, IupParam