Associates a callback to an event.
Icallback IupSetCallback(Ihandle* ih, const char *name, Icallback func); [in C] [There is no equivalent in Lua]
ih: identifier of the interface element.
name of the callback.
func: address of a C function. If NULL removes the association.
Returns: the address of the previous function associated to the action.
This function replaces the deprecated combination:
IupSetFunction(global_name, func); IupSetAttribute(ih, name, global_name);
So it eliminates the need for a global name.
Callbacks set using IupSetCallback can not be retrieved using IupGetFunction.
In Lua, callbacks are associated by simply setting a function as the value of the callback name, for example:
button = iup.button{... button.action = function(... OR function button:action(...