Lua Logos

Feel free to use the images below when referring to Lua in your products in web pages, manuals, splash screens, etc. This is a nice way to give us credit for the use of Lua. If you use a Lua logo in a web page, please add a link to our site.

If you want transparent logos, get them here.

[Lua logo] [Lua the language] [powered by Lua]

These images were created from two PostScript programs:, which has an orbiting text, and, which doesn't. These programs are in the public domain. If you use them to create images, make sure to generate antialiased images.

The logos are freely available and are distributed under the terms below. We recommend that you give credit to the graphics designer in all printed matter that includes the logo.

Copyright © 1998 Graphic design by Alexandre Nakonechnyj.

Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, and distribute this logo for any purpose, including commercial applications, subject to the following conditions:

  • The origin of this logo must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you drew the original logo.
  • The only modification you can make is to adapt the orbiting text to your product name.
  • The logo can be used in any scale as long as the relative proportions of its elements are maintained.