Sets a pack of associations between names and string values. Internally will call IupSetLanguageString for each name in the pack.
void IupSetLanguagePack(Ihandle* ih); [in C]
iup.SetLanguagePack(ih: ihandle) [in Lua]
ih: pack of name-value association. It is simply a IupUser element with several attributes set.
After setting the pack it can be destroyed.
The existent associations will not be removed. But if the new ones have the same names, the old ones will be replaced. If set to NULL will remove all current associations.
pack = iup.user{} pack["IUP_RED"] = "Vermelho" pack["MY_ITEMCOLORTEST"] = "Teste de Cor" iup.SetLanguagePack(pack) iup.Destroy(pack)